News & Updates

Information on our latest activities

We’ve launched our first webshop!

Meet, our first web shop created as a result of love and effort of our beauty insiders.

We ourselves form a community of beauty addicts who adore cosmetics, always try new products and are at the source of world beauty trends. So, yes, we created FABUspot for others, but to be completely honest, we...

Project ProLog

Orbico d.o.o. participates in a truly innovative project in the field of logistics and education of young people. Top logistics companies from the private sector that have the most experience of the logistics and the Faculty of transport and traffic sciences have achieved cooperation in developing occupational standards that include competencies and knowledge needed in the market...

Orbico has signed the Croatian Diversity Charter

We are proud to announce that Orbico Ltd. has signed the Croatian Diversity Charter on 28th March 2019.

The Diversity Charter is an initiative launched in 18 EU countries with the aims of promoting diversity, anti-discrimination, inclusiveness and equal opportunities in the workplace. Although the Charters of all the different countries follow the same guidelines, the text of the...

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