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Information on our latest activities

Honourable Decoration for Navo Orbico – Medals for Mr Roman Gajczewski and Mr Marek Sobieski

This year's Gala of Tychy Enterprise Leader held on 23th June 2017 in the Zamek Myśliwski in Promnice was a highly pleasant celebration for us. This annual event organised by the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce together with the President of the Tychy City, is a place where many honours for merited persons and enterprisers from the...

Orbico Braun awards FY 16-17

Let us share the latest GREAT NEWS coming from Braun Global Distributor Symposium held in Chamonix.

Two Orbico Braun teams have been recognized for excellent achievements in FY 16/17, within 9 different categories:

1. Orbico Bulgaria – for “Best Brand Building for Female" 2. Navo Orbico Poland – for “Best in Class Capability Intervention”<...

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