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Information on our latest activities

From 01/01/2018 we distribute Sebamed!

With great pleasure, we inform you that Orbico d.o.o. Bosnia and Herzegovina starts from January 1, 2018 with the exclusive import and distribution of the Sebamed brand, owned by Sebapharma GmbH & Co., a well-known German manufacturer of medical products for skin.

Sebamed was created back in 1957 by Dr. Heinz Maurer, who has turned his many years...

Disney award for Orbico Group

On top of the award that Orbico Romania team received, for the first time ORBICO received an award for “RETAIL PROJECT OF THE YEAR”  on  GROUP level, based on our CARS3 implementation & instore presence in 2017 across the region.

Disney recognized that Romanian team has done a great job last year, but also...

Orbico in Top of the Employers in Moldova

Zadovoljstvo nam je objaviti da je naša firma ušla među najbolje poslodavce u 2017. godini.

Ovo je 5. godina za redom u kojoj Orbico osvaja titulu najboljeg poslodavaca u Moldaviji. Ova nagrada je velika čast no ujedno i velika odgovornost.

Zahvaljujemo našim zaposlenicima koji su prepoznali i cijene trud ulož...

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