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A new award for Orbico Romania - Toys Division

At the Hong Kong Toys Fair, Orbico partner Mattel awarded Orbico Romania with the IN STORE EXECUTION 2018 award.

This comes as a result of great ideas and hard work of our employees, which in less than a month led to 300% increased sales of Barbie and Hot Wheels brands, compared with previous period.

Big congratulations to...

Orbico & SC Johnson

Orbico d.o.o. Bosnia and Herzegovina with great pride welcomes another large partner, company SC Johnson into Orbico family. From 01st of August 2018, Orbico starts with distribution of renowned and  highly recognizable  brands of the world famous company SC Johnson. Within this cooperation, Orbico will place many globally known  brands to the market of Bosnia...

Orbico proudly announces partnership with Strauss Coffee

Management of the global company Strauss Coffee has chosen Orbico d.o.o. Bosnia and Herzegovina for their partner in distribution of coffee products. This cooperation made coffee lovers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who have been waiting for years for their favorite coffee brands to be present in their market, very happy.

Strauss Coffee multinational company operates...

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